According to the National Hairdressing Federation (NHF), hairdressing is the fifth most popular independent business start-up.
Although there are some 400,000 hairdressers in the UK, says the NHF, 93% of them are what might be called micro-businesses, employing fewer than 10 people, with two-thirds of that number employing fewer than 5.
Because they tend to be small businesses, almost 95% of them have an annual turnover of less than £250,000 and the majority probably turnover less than £100,000 in any one year.
With earnings at this kind of level, of course, it is important that you do all in your power to safeguard the financial standing of your hairdressing business and protect it from the various risks that might not only knock a serious hole in your profits but threaten the continued existence of your business.
That protection is available in the form of hairdresser’s insurance from Specialist4Business